

File history uploaded by Mary K S 13 years, 3 months ago
From:	Chandler, Elizabeth A
Sent:	Monday, August 09, 2010 8:01 AM
To:	Burns, Mary B; Cokias, Jennifer ; Coverston, David A; EDWARDS, SHELOMI 
TAMARA; Hamilton, Jane; Komers, Brenda; Lauland, Woody L; Nelson, Joan 
M; Roberts, Judy A; Ruppe, Wendi B; Salveson, Charlotte; Swanson, Mary; 
Thomas, Jennis Jacob
Subject:	Congratulations!!!!

Thanks to your hard work and dedication, online help for Parameter Management UI is 100% 
complete!!!! Over the last 18 months, you have analyzed, written, edited, and published almost 700 
help topics for 42 control records deployed to UAT.  In addition, you have learned to author in Flare 
and determined the required processes, procedures, and standards.

Excellent job.  Each of you bring a unique skill set to the team and together you have accomplished a 
huge milestone.  I am honored to be part of your team and thank you for all that you do.


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